Can I Get a Witness?

by Rev. L. John Gable

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Can I Get a Witness? by Rev. L. John Gable
April 11, 2021

            Each year, for the past number of years, since 2012 to be exact, we have called this, the first Sunday after Easter, our “Can I Get a Witness?” Sunday in which we ask several members of our Tab family to tell us something about their experience and practice of the faith.  I look forward to this Sunday as much as I know you do because in our asking we never know what they are going to say nor do we try in any way to guide or direct their answers.  We ask them simply to reflect upon these two questions:  What does it mean to you to say that Jesus is alive?  And, what difference does that make in the way you live your life?

            Listen to the way Kat Gering, now Gering-Williams, since she and Evan were married just yesterday, reflected on those questions.


            As difficult as this past year has been, for her, for many of us, Kat speaks of the joy that comes in knowing Christ’s presence in the everyday of her life and the peace of God which she experiences daily that, in so many ways, passes all human understanding.  Thank you, Kat.

Listen now as Stephanie and Chad Lynn share an experience where they too were able to see God’s hand at work in a very immediate way.


            Please move this truck!  Sometimes our most honest prayers are our most simple cries from the heart.  Please move this truck!  And God made a way, quite an unexpected way, which showed His hand at work.  It is our joy to welcome Frantz and Cefie to the Lynn family and to the Tab family. 

Carolyn Morris speaks of God’s faithfulness and provision in a very similar way.


            Thank you, Carolyn.  During this past Lenten season we read together the Tish Harrison Warren book, Liturgy of the Ordinary in which she reflects on the ways God shows Himself present in the very ordinary, routine practices of our lives.  In a similar way, Andrew Hart reminds us of the simplicity of Jesus’ call and the necessity of our response of obedience, even in the ordinary of our lives.


            “If You say so, we will.”  “In obedience is a deepening of faith and an enriching of life.”

Our thanks to each of our friends, Kat, Stephanie, Chad, Carolyn, Andrew, for sharing their insights and reflections, as each, in their own way, speak of God’s showing up in the everyday of their lives in ordinary and very extraordinary ways.   


The “Can I Get a Witness?” videos are available on our YouTube channel at Tabindy, April 11, 2021.