10/20/19 Rules for Kingdom Living, Part 2

Rules for Kingdom Living, Part 2 by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/191020.mp3 Rules for Kingdom Living, Part 2 by Rev. L. John GableOctober 20, 2019             This morning we continue our series on the 10 Commandments titled “Rules for...

10/13/19 Rules for Kingdom Living, Part 1

Rule for Kingdom Living, Part 1 by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/191013.mp3 Rules for Kingdom Living, Part 1 by Rev. L. John GableOctober 13, 2019            “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house...

10/6/19 Growing in Grace

Growing in Grace by Rev. Oscar Clavel http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/191006.mp3 GrowthSermons Adults Children’s Ministry Youth Women’s Ministries Men’s...

9/29/19 So, How Are We to Live?

So, How are We to Live? by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/190929.mp3 So, How Are We to Live? by Rev. L. John GableSeptember 29 , 2019            We come to the end of a series of sermons I have loosely referred to as “About Being...

9/22/19 Reformed…and Always Reforming

Reformed...and Always Reforming by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/190922.mp3 Reformed and Always Reforming by Rev. L. John GableSeptember 22, 2019            We are continuing this morning in what has become an expanding series of sermons I...