Jazz on Indiana Avenue

With Tab Jams season coming up in June, we think about music. Jazz music in particular. You might be surprised to learn that while our current church building was opening its doors 100 years ago, there was another summer tradition in Indianapolis which our collective...

Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler

Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler (1831 – 1895) was the first African American female physician in the United States. She initially trained as a nurse, learning from her aunt who was the only healthcare provider in their Pennsylvania community. The doctors Rebecca worked...

The Flying Black Medics

Dr. Leonidas H. Berry (1902 – 1995) began his career when healthcare was segregated in America. He was a gastroenterologist at the Black owned and operated Provident Hospital in Chicago, the same hospital Daniel Hale Williams opened, which you read about last week!...

A Veritable Moses

Typically, the stab wound that James Cornish received in his chest in Chicago in 1893 would have been fatal. But not this time, because Cornish had been rushed to Provident Hospital, where surgeon Daniel Hale Williams was on duty, ready to make history. Operating...