8/6/23 Remember and Give Thanks.

Remember and Give Thanks by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/230806.mp3 Remember and Give Thanks by Rev. L. John GableAugust 6, 2023             It is said that standing on the top of Mt. Nebo, in modern day Jordan, facing due west on a clear...

7/30/23 Why Tab? One

Why Tab? One by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/230730.mp3 Why Tab? One by Rev. L. John GableJuly 30, 2023             We come to the last of this series of sermons on “Why Tab?”, the question I asked of myself 15 years ago, the very question...

7/23/23 Why Tab? Partners in the Gospel

Why Tab? Partners in the Gospel by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/230723.mp3 Why Tab? Partners in the Gosple by Rev. L. John GableJuly 23, 2023             The past several weeks we have been exploring answers to the question I asked 15 years...

7/16/23 Why Tab? Deep Keel

Why Tab? Deep Keel by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/230716.mp3 Why Tab? Deep Keel by Rev. L. John GableJuly 16, 2023             Periodically I am asked where I come up with the illustrations I use in my sermons.  Most of them come from the...

7/9/23 Why Tab?

Why Tab? by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/230709.mp3 Why Tab? by Rev. L. John GableJUly 9, 2023             If you have been with us the past couple of weeks you have been good to allow me to reflect a bit on the various influences on my...

7/2/23 What the Church Has Taught Me: Leadership

What the Church Has Taught Me: Leadership by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/230702.mp3 What the Church Has Taught Me: Leadership by Rev. L. John GableJuly 2, 2023             During the past several weeks you have been good to allow me to...