4/2/23 From Palms to Passion

From Palms to Passion by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/230402.mp3 From Palms to Passion by Rev. L. John GableApril 2, 2023 Palm Sunday How well do you think someone would know you if they were to follow you around for a week?  Certainly they...

3/26/23 A People with a Purpose: Fellowship

A People with a Purpose: Fellowship by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/230326.mp3 A People with a Purpose: Fellowship by Rev. L. John GableMarch 26, 2023             During this season of Lent we have looked together at the purpose of the...

3/19/23 A People with a Purpose: Maturity

A People with a Purpose: Maturity by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/230319.mp3 A People with a Purpose: Maturity by Rev. L. John GableMarch 19, 2023             We had an agreement in our family when our kids were growing up that I would not...

3/12/23 A People with a Purpose: Witness

A People with a Purpose: Witness by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/230312.mp3 A People with a Purpose: Witness by Rev. L. John GableMarch 12, 2023             I believe the Church must continue to ask itself the question I have asked of...

2/26/23 A People with a Purpose: Worship

A People with a Purpose: Worship by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/230226.mp3 A People with a Purpose: Worship by Rev. L. John GableFebruary 26, 2023             Alfred Loisey once said, “Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom of God, and what came was...