12/5/21 Comfort, Comfort

Comfort, Comfort by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/211205.mp3 Comfort, Comfort by Rev. L. John GableDecember 5, 2021             “Comfort, O comfort, My people says your God.”             These words are spoken by the prophet Isaiah to a...

11/28/21 Preparing for the Ones Who Come

Preparing for the Ones Who Come by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/211128.mp3 Preparing for the Ones Who Come by Rev. L. John GableNovember 28, 2021             The word “gospel” means “good news”, so it would be right to say that the Gospel...

11/21/21 The King and the Kingdom

The KIng and the KIngdom by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/211121.mp3 The King and the Kingdom by Rev. L. John GableNovember 21, 2021             According to Mark’s Gospel, the very first words Jesus spoke as He began His public ministry...

11/14/21 A Message to the Church(es)

A Message to the Church(es) by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/211114.mp3 A Message to the Churches by Rev. L. John GableNovember 14, 2021 Our lesson this morning makes it on to the list of the 50 greatest passages because it is the prologue...

10/31/21 A Litany of the Faithful

A Litany of the Faithful by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/211031.mp3 A Litany of the Faithful by Rev. L. John GableOctober 31, 2021             I have always loved this chapter from the book of Hebrews, the so called “faith chapter”, and...