5/9/21 Connected

Connected by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/210509.mp3 Watch this sermon on YouTube. Connected by Rev. L. John GableMay 9, 2021             The past several weeks we have looked at examples of the way Jesus, the Master Storyteller and...

5/2/21 Food for the Body, Food for the Soul

Food for the Body, Food for the Soul by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/210502.mp3 Watch this sermon on YouTube. Food for the Body, Food for the Soul by Rev. L. John GableMay 2, 2021 Is that someone’s stomach I hear growling?  Perhaps it is...

4/25/21 The Person and the Path

The Person and the Path by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/210425.mp3 Watch this sermon on YouTube. The Person and the Path by Rev. L. John GableApril 25, 2021             I will remind you that this year we are looking at what we have...

4/11/21 Can I Get a Witness?

Can I Get a Witness? by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/210411.mp3 Watch this sermon on YouTube. Can I Get a Witness? by Rev. L. John GableApril 11, 2021             Each year, for the past number of years, since 2012 to be exact, we have...

4/4/21 97% Probability (Easter Sunday)

97% Probability by Rev. L. John Gable http://tabpres.org/wp-content/sermons/210404.mp3 Watch this sermon on YouTube. 97% Probability by Rev. L. John GableApril 4, 2021 (Easter Sunday)             I don’t know what kind of topics get discussed around your dinner...