
12/22/19 The WHEN of Christmas

The WHEN of Christmas by Rev. L. John GableDecember 22, 2019             There is an old saying, “Timing is everything.”  Now, you won’t find it in the Bible, but it is a Biblical truth that lies right at the heart of the Christmas story as it answers the “when”...

12/15/19 The WHERE of Christmas

The WHERE of Christmas by Rev. L. John GableDecember 15, 2019             To quote a good friend and fellow Tab member, Alan McKenzie, retired English professor at Purdue, “Every story has a geography and the better you understand the geography the better you...

12/8/19 The WHO of Christmas

The WHO of Christmas by Rev. L. John Gable December 8, 2019 (John appears.  Stretches and washes his face in the Jordan River.  Looks up and sees the crowd.  Talking, as if to himself or to God.) Already?  They are here already this morning?  The crowds are coming...

12/1/19 The WHAT of Christmas

Watch the video of this sermon here. The WHAT of Christmas by Rev. L. John GableDecember 1, 2019             Every good story has a “who, what, where, when and why” aspect to it and the Christmas story is no exception!  During the weeks of Advent, this season of...

11/17/19 A Glimpse of the Kingdom

Watch a video of the sermon on YouTube.A Glimpse of the Kingdom by Rev. L. John GableNovember 17, 2019            The first recorded words we hear Jesus speak as He begins His public ministry are these: “The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God has come near;...

11/10/19 Rules for Kingdom Living, Part 5

Watch a video of the sermon on YouTube.Rules for Kingdom Living, Part 5 by Rev. L. John GableNovember 10, 2019            This morning we conclude our series on the Ten Commandments: “Rules for Kingdom Living”.  We have seen that these laws, given long ago by God to...

10/27/19 Rules for Kingdom Living, Part 3

Rules for Kingdom Living, Part 3October 27, 2019             A study was conducted in which a group of children were put in a large, open field to see what they would do and how they would play.  Surprisingly, the children, for the most part, stayed near the center of...

10/20/19 Rules for Kingdom Living, Part 2

Rules for Kingdom Living, Part 2 by Rev. L. John GableOctober 20, 2019             This morning we continue our series on the 10 Commandments titled “Rules for Kingdom Living.”  We are looking at a body of laws and instructions given nearly 3500 years ago by Yahweh,...

10/13/19 Rules for Kingdom Living, Part 1

Rules for Kingdom Living, Part 1 by Rev. L. John GableOctober 13, 2019            “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.  You shall have no other gods before Me.”  So begins the prologue to the Decalogue, the...

9/29/19 So, How Are We to Live?

So, How Are We to Live? by Rev. L. John GableSeptember 29 , 2019            We come to the end of a series of sermons I have loosely referred to as “About Being Presbyterian” because they have been based on the information we discuss with our new members in our...

9/22/19 Reformed…and Always Reforming

Reformed and Always Reforming by Rev. L. John GableSeptember 22, 2019            We are continuing this morning in what has become an expanding series of sermons I am loosely calling “About Being Presbyterian”.  We have been discussing, not just who we are as a...

9/15/19 A Place to Stand

A Place to Stand by Rev. L. John GableSeptember 15, 2019             We find ourselves rather unexpectedly in the middle of a short series of messages which might appropriately be called “About Being Presbyterian”.  I say “unexpectedly” because as I mentioned last...

9/8/19 The Bill of (Presbyterian) Rights

The Bill of (Presbyterian) Rights by Rev. L. John GableSeptember 8, 2019            I think it is important to give credit where credit is due, so I give credit today to Oscar for suggesting this sermon and short series.  Each time we offer an Inquirer’s class we...

8/25/19 Go Back to Bethel

Go Back to Bethel by Rev. L. John GableAugust 25, 2019            I have confessed to you before that I am directionally-impaired.  When Kris and I are driving somewhere and we get disoriented we have learned that if my instinct is to turn right then we are best to...

8/11/19 Chameleon for Christ

Chameleon for Christ by Rev. L. John GableAugust 11, 2019            I’d like to give you an insight in to a dilemma every pastor I know encounters from time to time, at what point when meeting someone new do you  disclose that you are a pastor?  I know I have told...

7/21/19 All Work and No Pray

All Work and No Pray by Rev. L. John GableJuly 21, 2019            Someone once said, “We know that the Bible is true because we find ourselves in it”, or a Coleridge said, “It finds me!”  By faith we claim that the Bible is the Word of God and the record of God’s...

7/7/19 Amen!

Amen! by Rev. L. John GableJuly 7, 2019             The young minister, new to his first call, wanted to introduce some liturgical responses into the worship service, so when he said, “The Lord be with you”, he instructed the congregation to respond, “And also with...

6/30/19 What Are You Going to Do Forever?

What Are You Going to Do Forever?June 30, 2019            Cartoonist Jules Feiffer once drew a series of sketches of an older couple sitting opposite each other who were obviously very bored.  Frame after frame neither of them stirs until the man finally asks his...

6/23/19 Daniel in Exile

Daniel in Exile by Rev. L. John GableJUne 23, 2019 (Daniel standing as a prisoner, wearing a simple robe with bands around his wrists)             Perhaps you have heard it said that “all gods have clay feet, save one.”  I learned that lesson early in life and it has...

6/16/19 The Fifth Easter

The Fifth Easter by Rev. L. John GableJune 16, 2019            This past Easter we looked together at what Franklin Ralls calls “the four Easters” which we experience.  The first is clearly the most significant.  It was the first Easter, nearly 2000 years ago, when by...

6/2/19 Ordinary Saints

Ordinary Saints by Rev. L. John GableJune 2, 2019            We come this morning to the next affirmation in our study of the Apostles’ Creed, “I believe in the communion of saints”, and I can’t quite decide whether this is the introduction of yet another aspect of...