
7/10/16 Faithfulness Brings Fruitfulness

Faithfulness Brings Fruitfulness by Rev. L. John Gable July 10, 2016 I want to talk with you this morning about something with which I have had a moderate amount of experience and only limited success: lawn and gardening.  In our many years of homeownership I have...

7/3/16 Freedom From, Freedom For

Freedom From, Freedom For by Rev. L. John Gable July 3, 2016, 2016 How many of you remember the 1970’s?  That sounds like the set up to a popular joke, “If you remember the 70’s you probably didn’t actually live through them.” If you remember the 70’s, then you will...

6/26/16 Heartfelt

Heartfelt by Rev. L. John Gable June 26, 2016 Have you ever had a relationship that was so fractured you wondered if it could ever be repaired?  A falling out with someone, a parent, a child, a brother, a sister, a long-time friend, that once was close and loving, but...

6/19/16 No Longer That, Now This

No Longer That, Now This by Rev. L. John Gable June 19, 2016 When was the last time you heard someone say, “What we really need is a few more laws?” Never, right?  Yet we are a people who are continually adding new laws to the books in order, somehow, to try to...

6/5/16 You Have a Story, Too

You Have a Story, Too by Rev. L. John Gable June 5, 2016 If you were with us last week in worship, and I know a number of you were otherwise engaged in another event of some significance going on in the city; however, if you were in worship with us you may recall that...

5/29/16 Remember This

Remember This by Rev. L. John Gable May 29, 2016 For the next several weeks we are going to study Paul’s letter to the Galatians and I believe his first and greatest concern for the people in the churches in that region is that they had lost their minds, they had...

5/22/16 Do You Know Your Because?

Do You Know Your Because? by Rev. Oscar Clavel May 22, 2016 A question that arose during the early days of computer sciences was, “What is it that humans can do that computers cannot?” Computers could play chess better than us, they could work out complex mathematical...

5/15/16 What’s All the Babblin’ About?

What's All the Babblin' About? by Rev. L. John Gable May 15, 2016 - Pentecost Sunday Given your understanding of the nature of God and the teaching of Scripture, what would you say is God’s intention and desire for humanity – unity or division?  Solidarity or...

5/8/16 Touched By Grace

Touched By Grace, Rev. L. John Gable May 8, 2016 How is it that you came to be who you are today?  Have you ever stopped to consider the factors which have influenced your life to make you the unique individual you are?  The circumstances which brought you to this...

5/1/16 Let’s Go Over There

Sea Stories: Let's Go Over There by Rev. L. John Gable May 1, 2016 I know you could hardly endure it, but I wish we could present this whole series of sermons to you in just one sitting – without having a week between them – without having them seem like stand-alone...