
12/10/23 Comfort Ye, My People

Comfort Ye, My People by Rev. Terri ThornDecember 10, 2023 Sermon text currently not available. Rev. Terri ThornTabernacle Presbyterian ChurchIndianapolis, IN  

12/2/23 Expect the Unexpected

Expect the Unexpected by Rev. Terri ThornDecember 3, 2023 Sermon text not available. Rev. Terri ThornTabernacle Presbyterian ChurchIndianapolis, IN  

11/19/23 A Risk Always Worth Taking

A Risk Always Worth TakingNovember 19, 2023 Sermon text available soon. Rev. Terri ThornTabernacle Presbyterian ChurchIndianapolis, IN  

10/22/23 The Song We Sing

The Song We Sing by Rev. Terri ThornOctober 22, 2023 Sermon Text is not available Rev. Terri ThornTabernacle Presbyterian ChurchIndianapolis, IN  

10/8/23 The Gift of Letting Go

The Gift of Letting Goby Rev. Terr ThornOctober 8, 2023 Sermon text coming soon. Rev. Terri ThornTabernacle Presbyterian ChurchIndianapolis, IN  

10/1/23 Turn Then and Live Abundantly

Turn Then, and Live Abundantlyby Rev. Terri ThornOctober 1, 2023 Sermon text coming soon. Rev. Terr ThornTabernacle Presbyterian ChurchIndianapolis, IN  

9/24/23 Livng Radical Love: With Mercy

Living Radical Love: with Mercyby Rev. Terri ThornJune 20, 2021 Sermon Text coming soon. Rev. Terri ThornTabernacle Presbyterian ChurchIndianapolis, IN  

9/10/23 Living Radical Love: In Reconciliation

Living Radical Love: In Reconciliation by Rev. Terri ThornSeptember 10, 2023 Matthew 18:15-20; Romans 13:8-10 According to numerous surveys and polls, the undeniable trend for Christianity in North America, at least in an organized, “attend worship and do life...

9/3/23 What Next? Live to Love

What Next? Live to Love by Rev. Terri ThornSeptember 3, 2023 Sermon text coming soon. Rev. Terri ThornTabernacle Presbyterian ChurchIndianapolis, IN  

8/20/23 What Next? Bold to Ask and Willing to Learn

What Next? Bold to Ask and Willing to Learn by Rev. Terri ThornAugust 20, 2023 Download PDF version here. Matthew 15:(10-20)21-28; Isaiah 56:1, 6-8 If this story from Matthew’s gospel makes you a little uncomfortable to hear, you’re not alone.  It does eventually get...

8/13/23 What’s Next? Faith to Proceed

What's Next? Faith to Proceed by Rev. Terri ThornAugust 13, 2023 Download PDF version here. Matthew 14:22-33; 1 Kings 19:9-18 Well, here we are – the first Sunday of our new reality. I can’t speak for any of you, but it feels a bit odd to me - in a way that I struggle...

8/6/23 Remember and Give Thanks.

Remember and Give Thanks by Rev. L. John GableAugust 6, 2023             It is said that standing on the top of Mt. Nebo, in modern day Jordan, facing due west on a clear day you can see the entire expanse of the Promised Land.  Looking south, the Dead Sea and the...

7/30/23 Why Tab? One

Why Tab? One by Rev. L. John GableJuly 30, 2023             We come to the last of this series of sermons on “Why Tab?”, the question I asked of myself 15 years ago, the very question each of us must ask and answer for ourselves still today, and I would venture to say...

7/23/23 Why Tab? Partners in the Gospel

Why Tab? Partners in the Gosple by Rev. L. John GableJuly 23, 2023             The past several weeks we have been exploring answers to the question I asked 15 years ago – the same question each of us must ask and answer for ourselves still today – Why Tab?...

7/16/23 Why Tab? Deep Keel

Why Tab? Deep Keel by Rev. L. John GableJuly 16, 2023             Periodically I am asked where I come up with the illustrations I use in my sermons.  Most of them come from the files I have kept for the past forty years, but every so often one just kind of lands in...

7/9/23 Why Tab?

Why Tab? by Rev. L. John GableJUly 9, 2023             If you have been with us the past couple of weeks you have been good to allow me to reflect a bit on the various influences on my life and faith, as well as my experiences in ministry.  When we left off I was...

7/2/23 What the Church Has Taught Me: Leadership

What the Church Has Taught Me: Leadership by Rev. L. John GableJuly 2, 2023             During the past several weeks you have been good to allow me to reflect upon my life of faith and ministry; perhaps indulge me would be a better word.  I am grateful for the...

6/25/23 What the Church Has Taught Me: Calling

What the Church Has Taught Me: Calling by Rev. L. John GableJune 25, 2023 The letters which the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy (two of them) and Titus are called “The Pastoral letters” in the New Testament.  The elder apostle Paul was writing to instruct and inform the...

6/18/23 What the Church Has Taught Me: Foundations

What the Church Has Taught Me: Foundations by Rev. L. John GableJune 18, 2023             Perhaps it comes as no surprise but I have found myself reflecting on my life and ministry recently and so would like to share with you during the next couple of weeks some of...

6/4/23 To Whom Do You Belong?

To Whom Do You Belong? by Rev. L. John GableJune 4, 2023 I recently read an article in the December, 2022 edition of Christianity Today about a conversation between Bono, the front man for the band U2, one of the most popular bands on the planet, and Franklin Graham,...

5/28/23 Vision Renewal: The Way Forward

Vision Renewal: The Way Forward by Rev. L. John GableMay 28, 2023             As much as I have enjoyed revisiting and discussing our Vision Renewal statement with you the past couple of weeks, we turn our attention now to talking about the way forward.            ...

5/21/23 Vision Renewal: Stronger Community

Vision Renewal: Stronger Community by Rev. L. John GableMay 21, 2023 Introduction:  In recent weeks we have been looking again at our Vision Renewal Statement written in 2016 which was created in response to the question “Do we still agree with the Metropolitan...