
5/14/23 Vision Renewal: Deeper Relationships

Vision Renewal: Deper Relationships by Rev. L. John GableMay 14, 2023 Introduction: In recent weeks we have been revisiting our Vision Renewal statement adopted in 2016 on the 50th anniversary of the Metropolitan Community Program Report written in 1966 which...

5/7/23 Vision Renewal: Greater Faith

Vision Renewal: Greater Faith by Rev. L. John GableMay 7, 2023 Introduction: If you have been with us in worship the past couple of weeks you know that we are revisiting the Vision Renewal statement we crafted in 2016 upon the 50th anniversary of the Metropolitan...

4/23/23 Vision Renewal: Jubilee

Vision Renewal: Jubilee by Rev. L. John GableApril 23, 2023 In early 2015 I was telling a small gathering of Tab members the story of how in 1966 the Metropolitan Community Program committee was tasked by the Session with making a recommendation as to whether we...

4/16/23 Can I Get a Witness?

Can I Get a Witness? by Rev. L. John GableApril 16, 2023 It was just a week ago that we gathered to celebrate the Great Good News of the Easter day, “Christ is risen!  He is risen, indeed.”  This past week one of you told me a cute, and true, story that when she said...

4/9/23 Already and Not Yet (Easter Sunday)

Already and Not Yet by Rev. L. John GableApril 9, 2023 (Easter Sunday) We gather in worship this morning to celebrate the greatest Good News this old world has ever been given: the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  This is the unique proclamation which...

4/7/23 Worthy (Good Friday)

Worthy by Rev. L. John GableApril 7, 2023 (Good Friday)             My guess is each of us has a favorite verse of Scripture that we have committed to memory; that we can call to mind when we lie awake at 2:00am fretting over something that happened during the day or...

4/2/23 From Palms to Passion

From Palms to Passion by Rev. L. John GableApril 2, 2023 Palm Sunday How well do you think someone would know you if they were to follow you around for a week?  Certainly they would know where you went and what you did, but what, if anything, would they know about...

3/26/23 A People with a Purpose: Fellowship

A People with a Purpose: Fellowship by Rev. L. John GableMarch 26, 2023             During this season of Lent we have looked together at the purpose of the Church and examined our reasons for being.  We have determined that the Church’s primary purpose is to carry on...

3/19/23 A People with a Purpose: Maturity

A People with a Purpose: Maturity by Rev. L. John GableMarch 19, 2023             We had an agreement in our family when our kids were growing up that I would not use any family member in a sermon illustration without first asking their permission.  We didn’t want our...

3/12/23 A People with a Purpose: Witness

A People with a Purpose: Witness by Rev. L. John GableMarch 12, 2023             I believe the Church must continue to ask itself the question I have asked of myself repeatedly throughout my life, as I imagine have many of you asked of yourselves, “Why am I?  Why are...

2/26/23 A People with a Purpose: Worship

A People with a Purpose: Worship by Rev. L. John GableFebruary 26, 2023             Alfred Loisey once said, “Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom of God, and what came was the church!”  I guess you could take that one of two ways.  Either as a great disappointment or as a...

2/19/26 People Jesus Met Along the Way: Moses and Elijah

People Jesus Met Along the Way: Moses and Elijah by Rev. L. John GableFebruary 19, 2023             Have you ever had an experience that was so real it was undeniable, yet so unbelievable it seemed to defy all description?  One of those experiences that you hesitate...

12/12/23 People Jesus Met Along the Way: The Pharisees

People Jesus Met Along the Way: The Pharisees by Rev. L. John GableFebruary 12, 2023 We have been talking recently about people Jesus met along the way and today we look at the Pharisees, in my opinion among the most confounding and confusing characters in the Gospels...

1/29/23 People Jesus Met Along the Way: The Disciples

People Jesus Met Along the Way by Rev. L. John GableJanuary 29, 2023             We have been talking together recently about people Jesus met along the way.  We began with John the Baptist, the one who recognized Him first, whose ministry it was to prepare His way. ...

1/15/23 People Jesus Met Along the Way: John the Baptist

People Jesus Met Along the Way: John the Baptist by Rev. L. John GableJanuary 15, 2023             During the next couple of weeks we are going to talk together about people Jesus met along the way, today starting with John the Baptist.  These are all folks we are...

1/1/23 Off to a Good Start

Off to a Good Start by Rev. L. John GableJanuary 1, 2023             Perhaps you’ve seen, or even prayed, this prayer for yourself. “Dear God, so far today I’ve done alright.  I haven’t gossiped.  I haven’t lost my temper.  I haven’t been greedy, grumpy, unpleasant,...

12/25/22 The Gift

The Gift by Rev. L. John GableDecember 25, 2022 Sermon text will be uploaded soon.  

12/24/22 Then, Now and Always

Then, Now and Always by Rev. L. John GableDecember 24, 2022 Christmas Eve             It is 8:33 p.m. on Christmas Eve, and whether we are big or small, old or young, the day we have been waiting for is soon upon us.  I wonder with you though, as we come to this hour,...

12/18/22 The Light That Shines in the Darkness

The Light That Shines in the Darkness by Rev. L. John GableDecember 18, 2022             It was a windy, dusty night.  Not that such was unusual; wind and dust are the defining features of this small, mid-western town and of the wide, flat land that surrounds it.  But...

12/11/22 The Blessing of Believing

The Blessing of Believing by Rev. L. John GableDecember 11, 2022             What would you say is the benefit of believing?  I asked that rather open ended question to the group gathered for Bible Study this past Wednesday morning.  What is the benefit or blessing...

12/4/22 From Silence to Singing

From Silence to Singing by Rev. L. John GableDecember 4, 2022             I imagine many of you don’t know my story; even I wasn’t able to tell it for many months.  My name is Zechariah.  I am a priest in the order of Abijah, and a descendant of the High Priest...

11/27/22 Speaking for God–Christ the Priest

Speaking for God--Christ the Priest by Rev. L. John GableNovember 27, 2022             If you were to look for an answer to the question we’ve been asking recently, “Who is Jesus Christ and what did He come to do?” my guess is you would begin by looking in the New...

11/20/22 Speaking for God–Christ the King

Speaking for God--Christ the King by Rev. L. John GableNovember 20, 2022             There is a scene in Lloyd Douglas’ book, The Robe, in which a slave character named Demetrius pushes through a crowd in Jerusalem to see who is at the center of attention.  Suddenly,...

11/13/22 Speaking for God–Christ the Prophet

Speaking for God--Christ the Prophet by Rev. L. John GableNovember 13, 2022             The Gospels give us curious insight into numerous conversations which Jesus had with His disciples.  One day at Caesarea Philippi, He asked them, “Who do people say that I am? ...