
9/12/21 Christ Our Advocate

Christ Our Advocate by Rev. L. John GableSeptember 12, 2021 Hebrews 4:14-16  I John 2:1-6 Several weeks ago Kristin and I were watching a documentary on a retirement village community in which one of the characters – and I use that word character intentionally even...

9/5/21 The Architecture of Worship

The Architecture of Worship by Rev. L. John GableSeptember 5, 2021 At various junctures in the narrative of the Old Testament the leader of the people, whether it be Moses or Joshua or another, instructed the people to build a mound of rocks as a perpetual marker that...

8/22/21 Summer In The Psalms: Make A Joyful Noise

Summer In The Psalms: Make a Joyful Noise by Rev. L. John GableAugust 22, 2021   Summer in the Psalms: Joyful Noise                                                  August 22, 2021 Psalm 100   John 15:1-11   Leaving church one Sunday morning a woman asked...

8/15/21 Summer in the Psalms: A Prayer for Deliverance

Summer in the Psalms: A Prayer for Deliverance by Rev. L. John GableAugust 15, 2021 As we make our way through our year-long study of 50 Great Passages some of you may remember that I came up with this idea during a particularly slow point in a Presbytery meeting over...

8/8/21 Summer in the Psalms: Create In Me A Clean Heart

Summer In The Psalms: Create In Me A Clean Heart by Rev. L. John GableAugust 8, 2021 I remember so clearly when I wrote those words and why I wrote them.  If only you knew what I had done and was going through, but no one knew, or so I thought. Everywhere I go, people...

Summer in the Psalms: Refuge & Strength

Summer in the Psalms: Refuge & Strength by Rev. L. John GableAugust 1, 2021 We are a people prone to action, aren’t we, hard wired to do something?  When we see a need we try to meet it.  When we see a problem we try to solve it.  When we see a gap we try to fill...

7/25/21 Summer in the Psalms: Enter In

Summer in the Pslams: Enter In by Rev. L. John GableJuly 25, 2021 As we continue our study of 50 Great Passages we come to a season of summer in the Psalms.  The Psalms we will recall are a collection of hymns or songs used by worshippers in Jerusalem after the...

7/18/21 Child, Brother, Pastor, Friend

Child, Brother, Pastor, Friend by Rev. L. John GableJuly 18, 2021 All of life is built on relationships, and particularly so the life of faith which is grounded in our relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ and then lived out in relationship with one...

7/4/21 Most Free

Most Free by Rev. L. John GableJuly 4, 2021 When God delivered the Children of Israel from the bondage of slavery in Egypt He did the most unusual, most unexpected, most counter-intuitive thing- He gave them a set of laws- 10 of them to be exact- that He expected them...

6/20/21 The Father’s Love

The Father's Love by Rev. L. John GableJune 20, 2021             We commonly refer to this story as being The Parable of the Prodigal Son (prodigal meaning reckless, spendthrift, spend until there’s nothing left), but is it really?  Is this boy really the focal point...

6/6/21 What about Love?

Watch this sermon on YouTube. What about Love? by Rev. L. John GableJune 6, 2021             As we make our way through our year-long study of 50 Great Passages we come this morning to First Corinthians 13, the so called “Love chapter”, another of the perhaps most...

5/30/21 Nothing Can Separate Us

Watch this sermon on YouTube. Nothing Can Separate Us by Rev. L. John GableMay 30, 2021             After listening to these two passages I am almost tempted to say “Amen, that is our sermon for today” and then sit down.  Notice I said, “Almost”.  It is difficult,...

5/23/21 Life in the Spirit

Watch this sermon on YouTube. Life in the Spirit by Rev. L. John GableMay 23, 2021             Given the option which would you choose: to have lived long ago, during the time of Christ, when you could have walked with Him and talked with Him and seen Him face to...

5/9/21 Connected

Watch this sermon on YouTube. Connected by Rev. L. John GableMay 9, 2021             The past several weeks we have looked at examples of the way Jesus, the Master Storyteller and Illustration Giver, used metaphor to describe who He is and what He came to do.  A...

5/2/21 Food for the Body, Food for the Soul

Watch this sermon on YouTube. Food for the Body, Food for the Soul by Rev. L. John GableMay 2, 2021 Is that someone’s stomach I hear growling?  Perhaps it is yours, or it could be mine.  Or maybe it isn’t a stomach I hear growling at all, maybe it’s a soul; maybe...

4/25/21 The Person and the Path

Watch this sermon on YouTube. The Person and the Path by Rev. L. John GableApril 25, 2021             I will remind you that this year we are looking at what we have identified as being 50 Great Passages, 50 Passages of Scripture with which we believe we should have...

4/11/21 Can I Get a Witness?

Watch this sermon on YouTube. Can I Get a Witness? by Rev. L. John GableApril 11, 2021             Each year, for the past number of years, since 2012 to be exact, we have called this, the first Sunday after Easter, our “Can I Get a Witness?” Sunday in which we ask...

4/4/21 97% Probability (Easter Sunday)

Watch this sermon on YouTube. 97% Probability by Rev. L. John GableApril 4, 2021 (Easter Sunday)             I don’t know what kind of topics get discussed around your dinner tables, but given that my wife, Kristin, was a math teacher, with more than average...

3/28/21 He Did That for Us

Watch this sermon on YouTube. He Did That for Us by Rev. L. John GableMarch 28, 2021 Sermon text will be posted soon.  

3/21/21 Lazarus, Come Out!

Watch this sermon on YouTube. Lazarus, Come Out! by Rev. L. John GableMarch 21, 2021             Have you ever made an assumption about something only to realize later that you were mistaken and had come to a very wrong conclusion?  Or made a snap judgement about...

3/7/21 An Invitation to the Abundant Life

Watch this sermon on YouTube. An Invitation to the Abundant Life by Rev. L. John GableMarch 7, 2021             I thought I would brighten your day a little by starting off with a reflection written by the British philosopher Bertrand Russell on the meaning and...