2/21/21 He Is, They Were, We Are
Watch this sermon on YouTube. He Is, They Were, We Are by Rev. L. John GableFebruary 21, 2021 The final step in the long process toward ordination in the Presbyterian Church for pastors is an examination on the floor of the Presbytery during which the...
2/14/21 A Glimpse into Future Glory
Watch this sermon on YouTube. A Glimpse into Future Glory by Rev. L. John GableFebruary 14, 2021 Perhaps like many of you Kristin and I have explored the height and depth, the length and breadth of our Netflix subscription during this pandemic season. Some shows and...
2/7/21 Glass or Clay?
Watch this sermon on YouTube. Glass or Clay? by Rev. L. John GableFebruary 7, 2021 Perhaps like many of you Kristin and I have explored the height and depth, the length and breadth of our Netflix subscription during this pandemic season. Some shows and...
1/31/21 New Covenant
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1/24/21 Guidelines for Good Living
Watch this sermon on YouTube. Guidelines for Good Living by Rev. L. John GableJanuary 24, 2021 What would you say is your attitude toward the law? The answer you give may depend largely on which side of the law you are standing. Generally we agree with...
1/17/21 This is WHAT the Lord Requires…and WHY
Watch this sermon on YouTube This is WHAT the Lord Requires...and WHY by Rev. L. John GableJanuary 17, 2021 “And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God.” These words of Micah represent the...
1/10/21 God Calling…Who Me?
Watch this sermon on YouTube. God Calling...Who Me? by Rev. L. John GableJanuary 10, 2021 If you have had the opportunity to read the January edition of the Chimes, or were able to join us in worship last week, you may recall that we are on the front end...
1/3/21 Shema
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12/20/20 God with Us…Always
Watch this sermon on YouTube. God with Us...Always by Rev. L. John GableDecember 20, 2020 If I were to ask you, “When is Christmas?”, your obvious and immediate answer would be December 25, as it is every year, as it has been since the 4th century during the reign of...
12/27/20 In the Same Boat with the World
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12/13/20 The Coming of Christ
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12/6/20 The Comfort and the Challenge
Watch this sermon on YouTube. The Comfort and the Challenge by Rev. L. John GableDecember 6, 2020 There is a well-worn saying, at least among preachers, that the Bible is able to “comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.” As I thought about that phrase I...
11/29/20 Oh, That God Would Come Down Now
View this sermon on YouTube Oh, That God Would Come Down Now by Rev. L. John GableNovember 29, 2020 In our Old Testament lesson this morning the prophet Isaiah issues a cry which may echo our own sentiments, even now. Writing in the 6th century BC the...
One Anothering: Lay Down Your Lives for One Another
Watch this sermon on YouTube. One Anothering: Lay Down Your Lives for One Another by Rev. L. John GableNovember 22, 2020 This morning we are going to look at the last of our “one anothering” passages and while there are still others which would be equally...
11/15/20 One Anothering: Forgive One Another
Watch this sermon on YouTube. One Anothering: Forgive One Another by Rev. L. John GableNovember 15, 2020 We have been looking together at various “one anothering” passages and I believe have generally found them to be beneficial and good guidance. Today, however, we...
11/8/20 Be Kind to One Another
Watch this sermon on YouTube. Be Kind to One Another by Rev. L. John GableNovember 8, 2020 There are aspects of our faith that are simply profound: the nature of God, the incarnation of Jesus Christ – fully human and fully divine, the indwelling and...
11/1/20 One Anothering: Serve One Another
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10/25/20 One Anothering: Teach and Speak Truthfully to One Another
Watch this sermon on YouTube One Anothering: Teach and Speak Truthfully by Rev. L. John GableJanuary 12, 2020 The past couple of weeks we have been looking together at several of the many “one anothering” passages in the New Testament. While each of these may be...
10/18/20 One Anothering: Welcome One Another
Watch this sermon on YouTube. One Another: Welcome One Another by Rev. L. John GableOctober 18, 2020 These past two weeks Oscar has helped us bridge the two decades and enter into the new year by looking at the opening volley of Jesus’ ministry in Luke 4 where we hear...
10/11/20 One Another: Meet Together
Watch this sermon on YouTube. One Another: Meet Together by Rev. L. John GableOctober 11, 2020 This morning we are beginning a new sermon series under the heading “One Anothering”. There are 58 commands in the Bible, curiously all in the New Testament,...
10/4/20 Comm-unity
Watch this sermon on YouTube. Comm-unity by Rev. L. John GableOctober 4, 2020 As is my usual routine, I wrote this message on Thursday morning and decided not to use this illustration, then was awakened on Friday morning to the news that the President and the First...
9/27/20 To the Ends of the Earth
Watch this sermon on YouTube. To the Ends of the Earth by Rev. L. John GableSeptember 27, 2020 The Tab staff has taken to teasing me because apparently I tend to use my hands when we are discussing various programs and ministries during staff meetings. Particularly...
9/20/20 Almost
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9/13/20 The Costliness of Discipleship
Watch this sermon on YouTube. The Costliness of Discipleship by Rev. L. John GableSeptember 13, 2020 In 1937 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German Lutheran pastor who was arrested and ultimately executed for his outspoken resistance to the Nazi movement and his...
9/6/20 The Economics of Faith
Watch this sermon on YouTube. The Economics of Faith by Rev. L. John GableSeptember 6, 2020 Demetrius looked to the future and didn’t like what he saw coming. He was a silversmith and a fine one at that. He sold souvenirs at the temple of the goddess...
8/30/20 No Longer Living Like a Corinthian
Watch this sermon on YouTube. No Longer Living Like a Corinthian by Rev. L. John GableAugust 30, 2020 As we come to this point in our study of the book of Acts Luke is giving us something of a travel-log as he tells the story of the spread of the Gospel...
8/23/20 From Unknown to Known
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8/16/20 Closed Doors/Open Windows
Watch this sermon on YouTube. Closed Doors/Open Windows by Rev. L. John GableAugust 16, 2020 I know we are all familiar with the saying, “When God closes a door, He opens a window.” It is not Biblical, you won’t find it in the Bible, but it is consistent...
8/9/20 No Sense Wasting a Good Fight
Watch this sermon on YouTube No Sense Wasting a Good Fight by Rev. L. John GableAugust 9, 2020 I am not sure who it was, it was most likely one of you, but someone not all that long ago said to me “There is no sense wasting a good fight.” Now I will confess I am by...
8/2/20 Remembered Your Gifts
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