
7/26/20 An Act of Surrender

Watch this sermon on YouTube. An Act of Surrender by Rev. L. John GableJuly 26, 2020             Our lesson from Acts this morning is one of the most familiar stories in all of Scripture.  Even those who have only a passing knowledge of the Bible seem to know the...

7/19/20 Do You Understand What You Are Reading?

Watch This Sermon on YouTube. Do You Understand What You Are Reading? by Rev. L. John GableJuly 19, 2020             Have you ever read a passage of Scripture only to realize that you have absolutely no idea what it was talking about?  It was not that your mind was...

7/5/20 Servant Leadership

Watch this sermon on YouTube. Servant Leadership by Rev. L. John GableJuly 5, 2020             In 1970 Robert Greenleaf who, interestingly enough was from Terre Haute, Indiana, presented an essay in a business journal titled, “The Servant as Leader” which challenged...

6/28/20 To Whom Does This Belong?

Watch this sermon on YouTube. To Whom Does This Belong? by Rev. L. John GableJune 28, 2020 As we continue our study of Acts everything up to this point has been powerful and positive.  Following the resurrection and ascension the disciples and that first cohort of...

6/14/20 Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

Watch this sermon on YouTube Giving Credit Where Credit is Due by Rev. L. John GableJune 14, 2020 Leaving worship one Sunday morning a woman shook the minister’s hand and said, “Oh pastor, thank you!  That sermon was absolutely wonderful!”  The preacher humbly...

6/7/20 Life Together–Apart

View this sermon on YouTube. Life Together--Apart by Rev. L. John GableJune 7, 2020 These past two weeks Oscar has helped us bridge the two decades and enter into the new year by looking at the opening volley of Jesus’ ministry in Luke 4 where we hear Him reading from...

5/31/20 Something Happened

Watch the sermon on YouTube. Something Happened by Rev. L. John GableMay 31, 2020 Ask twelve different eyewitnesses to an accident “What happened? Which car entered the intersection first?  Who had the right of way?  Was the light green or red?” and it is certain you...

5/24/20 Next First Things

Watch this sermon on YouTube. Next First Things by Rev. L. John GableMay 24, 2020             As we enter into our study of the book of Acts we are reminded that this is the sequel to Luke’s Gospel, the continuation of the story of the birth and growth of the Church,...

5/10/20 Lived Out Love

Watch this sermon on YouTube. A Church for the World by Rev. L. John GableJanuary 12, 2020             During the past several weeks, since Easter, we have been looking together at the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus.  Recall we have heard of His appearing to...

5/3/20 Slow to See

Slow to See by Rev. L. John GableMay 4, 2020 Watch this sermon on Youtube.             Have you ever had the experience of seeing someone you think you should know, but then not quite being able to come up with their name or even from where you know them?  I know all...

4/26/20 That Very Night

Watch this sermon on YouTube. That Very Night by Rev. L. John GableApril 26, 2020             What a day this has been!  I don’t even know what time it is.  I know it’s late, but I’m too tired to think and too excited to sleep.             I’m really glad you stopped...

4/19/20 Can I Get a Witness?

Watch this sermon on YouTube A Church for the World by Rev. L. John GableJanuary 12, 2020           I think you will agree with me in saying Easter 2020 is an Easter we will long remember!  Who would ever have imagined that we, as well as Christians around the globe,...

4/12/20 Neither New Or Improved

Neither New or Improved by Rev. L. John GableApril 12, 2020 (Easter Sunday)             I want to let you in on a little secret.  Every year, pastors and preachers enter into this season trying to think of something “new” to say or do that we’ve never said or done...

4/5/20 Proof Positive

Watch this sermon on YouTube Proof Positive by Rev. L. John GableApril 5, 2020 (Palm Sunday)             Karl Barth, perhaps a name familiar to many of us, pastor, professor, theologian, was arguably one of the most influential Christian thinkers of the 20th century. ...

3/22/20 Little Sins, Big Consequences: White Lies

Little Sins, Big Consequences: White Lies by Rev. L. John GableMarch 22, 2020 Watch this sermon on YouTube            I am not sure who coined the phrase, but I am fairly certain that whoever it was who first suggested that “little white lies” are nothing more than...

3/15/20 Little Sins, Big Consequences: Half-Heartedness

Little Sins, Big Consequences: Half-Heartedness by Rev. L. John GableMarch 15, 2020 Watch this sermon on YouTube Little Sins, Big Consequences: Half-Heartedness by Rev. L. John GableMarch 15, 2020 Watch this sermon on YouTube At some point in every task, in every...

3/8/20 Little Sins, Big Consequences: Gossip

Little Sins, Big Consequences by Rev. L. John GableMarch 8, 2020             The story is told of the three pastors who went camping one night.  They made camp on a little island in the middle of a river and late that night, as they sat around the campfire visiting,...

3/1/20 The Anatomy of Temptation

The Anatomy of Temptation by Rev. L. John GableMarch 1, 2020 During this season of Lent we are going to be looking at the “little sins” in our lives that have “big consequences” and as a prelude to that  I would like to talk with you this morning about what I am...

2/16/20 Give Me Jesus

            The spiritual we are looking at this morning, Give Me Jesus, speaks of both the comfort and security of a life in Christ and the cry of a disciple’s heart.  While the spirituals are a particular genre of American music birthed out of the African American...

2/2/20 Shall We Gather at the River

Shall We Gather at the River by Rev. L. John GableFebruary 2, 2020             Music has always been central to the life of faith.  Every worshiping community in every time and place and culture has used music to celebrate, enrich and express its experience of God. ...

1/26/20 A Church IN the World

A Church IN the World by Rev. L. John GableJanuary 26, 2020             This morning we conclude a short series of sermons concerning the Church’s role and responsibility in relation to the world in which we live.  To bring us up to speed, in week one, two weeks ago,...

1/19/20 A Church to the World

A Church TO the WorldJanuary 19, 2020 by Rev. L. John Gable            We have been talking about the Church’s role and responsibility, as the recipients and successors of Jesus’ ministry, in relation to the world in which we live.  Last week, in a message titled “A...

1/12/20 A Church for the World

A Church for the World by Rev. L. John GableJanuary 12, 2020 These past two weeks Oscar has helped us bridge the two decades and enter into the new year by looking at the opening volley of Jesus’ ministry in Luke 4 where we hear Him reading from the prophet Isaiah,...