Youth Ministries
Tab Youth Ministries partners with families, engaging all students, grades 7 through 12. Youth Ministries helps prepare students to become Godly men and women who will bring the love of Christ to their homes, schools, churches, work environments, and world.
Sunday School from 9:00 to 10:00 am
7th-12th graders will gather in the Youth Room for time together. Beginning in September 2022, we plan to use this time to spend the next year going through the highlights/stories of the entire Bible. Our hope is that through doing so, we will dramatically increase Biblical knowledge and learn more about how to live our own lives. Along the way, we will discuss various issues of living and relating with one another during our journey through life. We hope to learn to prioritize our decisions from a Biblical perspective and think about our decisions from the perspective of always striving to do what is right.
Sunday IMPACT from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
We invite the youth of Tab to meet on Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for a time of fellowship, food and fun. Many of our meetings will be at Tab but we will also have outings from time to time. The initial part of the year we are going to be learning about emotions from a Biblical perspective.
For more information, contact
Boy Scout Troop 72
Available for boys age 11-18, the Scouting program at Tab seeks to build character, foster citizenship and develop fitness–all while having a good time! Scouts learn new skills, develop hobbies, learn about responsibility and make new friends. Troop #72 meets at Tab on Mondays from 6:45 to 8:15 pm. Newcomers, former Scouts and merit badge counselors are always welcome.
For more information go to
Contact Troop 72 at