
Deep Faith. Bold Giving

“When [Jesus] had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.’ Simon answered, ‘Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.’ When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to burst.” — Luke 5:4-6

At Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, we believe that God has graciously blessed us with resources to enjoy and to use for His purposes. He calls us to be “good stewards” of all He has given, inviting us to offer a portion of these gifts for His Kingdom work on earth.

In 2025 and beyond, Jesus is asking us to trust Him completely. He is calling us to go deep in our trust as disciples, deep in our commitment to God, and deep into the new possibilities the Holy Spirit is continually placing before us as a congregation. Such “yet if you say so” trust is measured in our actions, in our love for one another and the world, and in how we use the financial resources God has entrusted to our care.

Your gift will support Tab’s ministry and mission in our neighborhood and around the world.

Click the button below to submit an online gift.

Thank you, and may you continue to experience God’s abundant blessings.

Thank You for Giving

Text TABPRES to 73256

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Tabernacle Presbyterian Church Endowment

In 1951, Tab’s Session established the Endowment Fund as a means to ensure “life, vigor, and usefulness for generations yet to come.” The sole mission of Tab’s Endowment is to support the work and ministry of Tabernacle Presbyterian Church. Download a brochure about the Tab Endowment Fund (PDF)

Here’s a video on the history and mission of the Endowment Fund.

2019 Legacy Luncheon

During the Tab Legacy Luncheon in September of 2019, Mitch Daniels, President of Purdue University, and others, shared what Tab has meant to them, the community, and the city. They also spoke on the importance of leaving a gift to the Tab Endowment Fund. Watch what they had to say below.



Common questions about Online Giving to Tabernacle Presbyterian Church:

What is Online Giving and what are its benefits?

It is common for people to do business online to pay for bills, insurance premiums, mortgages, fitness memberships and more. Online giving provides the same convenience for those who want to faithfully and consistently make a financial tithe or gift to the church.

Online Giving is not a replacement for our regular worship service offerings. Rather, it is an additional, convenient method to submit your regular offering. While we accept offerings via credit cards, we strongly suggest that no one give out of debt or use a credit card unless it is paid off every month.

Is Online Giving secure?

Yes. Tabernacle Presbyterian uses an established, highly rated third-party vendor as a clearing house to transfer funds to our account. Information submitted online is protected by several safeguards, including firewalls and data encryption, in compliance with applicable federal and state regulations.

Can I give to multiple funds or ministries (e.g., General Operating, Tab Recreation)?

Yes.  Please select the desired ministry fund allocation from the choices on the online giving form.

How do I complete the Online Giving form?

  1. Click the above Online Giving link to be directed to the form.
  1. In the first box, enter your total gift amount.
  1. Select the desired ministry allocation from the drop down menu of options.
  1. Enter your email address.
  1. Complete your payment information.
  1. Click Give

Can I set up recurring gifts?

Yes. You can set up a recurring gift on the Online Giving form by selecting a type of recurring transaction in the the Donation Frequency box. If you have questions about recurring donations, you can contact Kristine Green, (317) 923-5458, ext. 111 or

What is the difference between submitting an offering via automatic withdrawal (ACH), credit card and debit card?

An automatic withdrawal transaction transfers funds directly from bank to bank, and funds are withdrawn from your bank account immediately. Funds thereby do not go through a credit agency (e.g., Visa). Offerings contributed via debit and credit cards go through a credit agency (i.e., Visa, Mastercard or Discover).

Are there fees associated with each method of Online Giving?

Each type of Online Giving incurs some kind of fee. These fees will be absorbed by Tabernacle Presbyterian Church and not your account. Automatic withdrawals (ACH) incur a flat fee that is less than the percentage fee incurred with credit/debit card transactions. Therefore, automatic transfers (ACH) are the preferred method of Online Giving.

If you have more questions, please contact Kristine Green at the church, (317) 923-5458, ext. 111,

Tabernacle Presbyterian Church is a § 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.