
4/10/22 Following Jesus Down and Up

Following Jesus Down and Up by Rev. L. John GableApril 10, 2022 (Palm Sunday)             There was quite a party going on at the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus, and for good reason: Lazarus was there after having been recently raised from the dead, and Jesus and...

3/27/22 The Prayer That Jesus Prays

The Prayer That Jesus Prays by Rev. L. John GableMarch 27, 2022             I would like for you to think for a moment about your own prayer life during the past few days or weeks, or as far back as you can recall.  I’d like for you to think not so much about how...

3/20/22 We Wish to See Jesus

We Wish to See Jesus by Rev. L. John GableMarch 2, 2022             I trust you are familiar with the concept of six degrees of separation, the idea that any one of us could name any person, famous or not, anywhere in the world, and a connection could be made to them...

3/13/22 What Does It Take to Believe?

What Does it Take to Believe? by Rev. L. John GableMarch 13, 2022           Faith is an interesting and enigmatic part of our lives.  It seems there are some who, regardless of what happens, will always believe; and others who, regardless of what happens, will...

3/6/22 Talking About Life and Death

Talking About Life and Death by Rev. L. John GableMarch 3, 2022 In January of 2020, just weeks before everything started to shut down from the pandemic, I called my then 95 year old mother one day to tell her that I had a free Friday coming up, my day off, and that I...

2/27/22 What Are You Going to Do with That Rock in Your Hand?

What are You Going to Do with that Rock in Your Hand? by Rev. L. John GableFebruary 27, 2022 What are you going to do with that rock you’ve got in your hand?  That is the question you’ve likely been asking yourself ever since you walked in to this service, and it is...

2/13/22 Who Do You Say That I AM Is?

Who Do You Say That I AM Is? by Rev. L. John GableFebruary 13, 2022           Through the years I have had many opportunities to visit with people about matters related to faith.  I consider this to be a great privilege, both as a pastor and as a fellow follower of...

1/30/22 Do You Want to Be Made Well?

Do You Want to Be Made Well? by Rev. L. John GableJanuary 30, 2022 (A first-person presentation of John 5:1-18) We’re walking.  We’re walking.  If you are just joining us I’d like to welcome you to the walking tour of great walled city of Jerusalem.  My name is Simon...

1/23/22 The Problem of Talking Past One Another

The Problem of Talking Past One Another by Rev. L. John GableJanuary 23, 2022             Sometimes even seemingly simple conversations can be confusing.             My first call to ministry was as an associate pastor in Mansfield, OH and one of my primary...

1/16/22 With a Glad and Broken Heart

With a Glad and Broken Heart by Rev. L. John GableJanuary 16, 2022             I want my heart to be gladdened by the things that gladden the heart of Jesus, and I want my heart to be broken by the things that break the heart of Jesus. We see both of these in our...

1/9/22 Come and See: The Cost of Discipleship

Come and See: The Cost of Discipleship by Rev. L. John GableJanuary 9, 2022             Every author, producer and storyteller has to make a decision as to how best to introduce the characters in the story they intend to tell, both the lead actors and the supporting...

12/26/21 The Truest Thing in the World

The Truest Thing in the World by Rev. L. John GableDecember 26, 2021             When the Gospel writer Luke sat down to write his “good news” about Jesus he made it clear what his intention was: he wanted us to know the truth.  Perhaps he knew that there were many...

12/24/21 Christmas Eve: Hearing, Seeing, Believing, Telling

Christmas Eve: Hearing, Seeing, Believing, Telling by Rev. L. John GableDecember 24, 2021             In the year 312 AD the Emperor Constantine had an encounter with the Risen Christ which radically changed his life and subsequently that of Roman Empire, and, it is...

12/19/21 The Living Tabernacle

The Living Tabernacle by Rev. L. John GableDecember 19, 2021             Virgil, the old farmer, was not a regular attender at the small, country church his wife attended.  With Christmas approaching, however, she persuaded him to attend the Pastor’s Bible study with...

12/12/21 Reflections of Light in the Darkness

Reflections of LIght in the Darkness by Rev. L. John GableDecember 12, 2021             I don’t know if you are counting down the days or not, but if you are we are 13 days to Christmas; but those are not really the days I am counting.  I am counting down the days...

12/5/21 Comfort, Comfort

Comfort, Comfort by Rev. L. John GableDecember 5, 2021             “Comfort, O comfort, My people says your God.”             These words are spoken by the prophet Isaiah to a people who were suffering the despair of exile, the people of God, the nation of Israel, in...

11/28/21 Preparing for the Ones Who Come

Preparing for the Ones Who Come by Rev. L. John GableNovember 28, 2021             The word “gospel” means “good news”, so it would be right to say that the Gospel writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, were “good news tellers”.  A number of years ago I was filling...

11/21/21 The King and the Kingdom

The King and the Kingdom by Rev. L. John GableNovember 21, 2021             According to Mark’s Gospel, the very first words Jesus spoke as He began His public ministry were these, “The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God has come near (some translations read,...

11/14/21 A Message to the Church(es)

A Message to the Churches by Rev. L. John GableNovember 14, 2021 Our lesson this morning makes it on to the list of the 50 greatest passages because it is the prologue to the messages written to the seven churches of Asia Minor recorded by the Apostle John in the book...

10/31/21 A Litany of the Faithful

A Litany of the Faithful by Rev. L. John GableOctober 31, 2021             I have always loved this chapter from the book of Hebrews, the so called “faith chapter”, and wanted us to hear it in its entirety this morning, but I also knew that it would be too much to ask...

10/24/21 The Wisdom of Wealth

The Wisdom of Wealth by Rev. L. John GableOctober 24, 2021 I don’t know if you are aware of this or not, but we have not called for an offering, nor have I preached or taught on the importance of stewardship, since March 8, 2020, over 20 months ago, and I want to...

10/17/21 Living In Love

Living In Love by Rev. L. John GableOctober 17, 2021 Psalm 25:4-12   I John 4:7-21 I have been wracking my brain all week to try to come up with some complex concept that I could explain to you in very simple terms, but I have come up empty.   I agree with Dick...

10/10/21 How Do I Know

How Do I Know by Rev. L. John GableOctober 10, 2021 There is an ancient Japanese Shinto story about a man who awoke one morning and said, “Last night I had a dream that I became a butterfly, flitting about from flower to flower.  All I cared about was the fancy of a...

10/3/21 Of The Many, One

Of The Many, One by Rev. L. John GableOctober 3, 2021 Listen again to these words of the Apostle Paul: “I, therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience,...

9/26/21 The View From A Vantage Point

The View From A Vantage Point by Rev. L. John GableSeptember 26, 2021 As perhaps you may know for the past several years, prior to our recent move back down on to terra firma, we lived in a condo on the northwest corner on 16th floor of the Tarkington Tower at 40th...